Old Harbor Native Corporation
Old Harbor Native Corporation
Old Harbor Native Corporation
Old Harbor Native Corporation
Old Harbor Native Corporation
Old Harbor Native Corporation
Old Harbor Native Corporation
Old Harbor Native Corporation
Old Harbor Native Corporation
Old Harbor Native Corporation
Old Harbor Native Corporation
Old Harbor Native Corporation
Old Harbor Native Corporation
Old Harbor Native Corporation
Old Harbor Native Corporation
Old Harbor Native Corporation
Old Harbor Native Corporation
Old Harbor Native Corporation
Old Harbor Native Corporation
Old Harbor Native Corporation

Land Use Policy

OHNC shareholders own much of the land around the village of Old Harbor, including Sitkalidak Island. Those wishing to hunt on OHNC land must first apply, meeting the terms and pay a license fee to the OHNC.

  • Those wishing to do sport fishing, hunting or sightseeing must apply for the Fishing & Hunting Land Use License.
  • Those wishing to camp, must apply for the Camping & Recreational Land Use License.
  • Those wishing to be transported by a local for non-guided bear hunting must apply for the Bear Hunting Land Use License.
  • Those wishing to be authorized to provide transportation and/or guide services on OHNC land must have a current signed license agreement with OHNC.

 The Old Harbor Native Corporation Settlement Trust Board of Directors has adopted an Final Land Use Plan governing the land owned by OHNC around Old Harbor. 

Summary of the Land Use Policy: 

A Land Use License is required for non-shareholders to use OHNC land for hunting, fishing, berry-picking, camping, site-seeing, and education/research. 

Under the Land Use Policy, the following rules apply to when a Land Use License is needed. 

Land Use License not Needed:

Shareholders, Descendants, or spouses of Shareholders or Descendants that are using OHNC land for non-commercial uses

Land Use License Needed but do not Need to Pay the Fee: 

If a user is an Alaska Native who is both (i) a shareholder of Koniag, Inc. or an Alaska Native village corporation located within the Koniag Region, and (ii) accompanied by a Shareholder, spouse, or Descendant, that user must obtain a Land Use License but shall not be required to pay any fee for the license.

Land Use License Needed and Must Pay Fees:

  • All non-Alaska Native people
  • All commercial users (i.e. hunts, fishing, etc.)
  • Bear Hunt Land Use License Fee: $2000 for Alaska residents and $3000 for non-residents (The license allows the taking of one bear on Sitkalidak Island Only)
  • Deer Hunting Land Use License Fee:  $150 for Alaska residents and $300 for non-residents (License allows the taking of one buck and one doe per season)
  • Fishing Land Use License Fee: $150 for Alaska residents (Legal Limit per day) and $300 for non-residents:
    • Big Creek: catch and release only
    • Barling Bay: catch and release only
    • Sitkalidak Island: legal limit of fish per day (2 per day)
  • Camping/Sight-Seeing Land Use License Fee:  $500 (The license allows camping and Sight-Seeing only; no hunting, catch and release fishing only)
  • Archaeological/Education Land Use Permit Fee: $0 - Fee is waived

All fees go to benefit the Old Harbor Scholarship Foundation.
Land Use Licenses are only needed if OHNC land is being used.  They are not required for fishing trips where there is no landing on OHNC land. 

Licensed Guides & Transporters

In addition to having to obtain a Land Use License, individuals on commercial hunting and/or fishing trips that are using OHNC land must also use only those guides/transporters who are on the OHNC's Licensed Guide/Transporter List. 

A Land Use License will not be issued to someone on a commercial hunting and/or fishing trip if they are not using a guide or transporter that is on the OHNC's Licensed Guide/Transporter List. 

To be on the OHNC's Licensed Guide/Transporter List, a guide/transporter must meet all of the following requirements:

  • Be a Shareholder or a Descendant or spouse of a Shareholder that lives in Old Harbor for six months out of the year
  • Have the necessary licenses from all appropriate federal and/or state agencies
  • Have liability insurance in the amount required by law and name the OHNC as an additional insured on those policies
  • Fully comply with all requirements of the Interim Land Use Policy
  • There is no fee to be added to the OHNC's Licensed Guide/Transporter List. 

If you are interested in being placed on the OHNC's Licensed Guide/Transporter List, please contact OHNC.  We are interested in hearing from those who are impacted by the land use policy, especially from Shareholders and Descendants who are licensed guides or transporters.  Please submit your comments via mail to our office or email info@oldharbor.org.


The three cabins owned by the OHNC on Sitkalidak Island are available for use by Shareholders and Descendants only.  There is no fee for a Shareholder or Descendant to use the cabins.  Everyone using the cabins, however, must sign in with the OHNC's office and sign a waiver.  The cabins cannot be used for commercial purposes (i.e. on a guided hunt, for example). 

Please contact the Old Harbor Native Corporation village office at (907) 286-2286 with any questions or to submit your land use license application and associated fees.

Old Harbor Native Corporation
Box 71 Old Harbor, AK 99643
Phone: (907) 286-2286
Fax: (907) 286-2876
Toll Free: (877) 986-2286

Land Use Documents