Old Harbor Native Corporation
Old Harbor Native Corporation
Old Harbor Native Corporation
Old Harbor Native Corporation
Old Harbor Native Corporation
Old Harbor Native Corporation
Old Harbor Native Corporation
Old Harbor Native Corporation
Old Harbor Native Corporation
Old Harbor Native Corporation
Old Harbor Native Corporation
Old Harbor Native Corporation
Old Harbor Native Corporation
Old Harbor Native Corporation
Old Harbor Native Corporation
Old Harbor Native Corporation
Old Harbor Native Corporation
Old Harbor Native Corporation
Old Harbor Native Corporation
Old Harbor Native Corporation

Direct Deposit

Old Harbor Native Corporation offers Direct Deposit for payment of your dividends. Take advantage of the direct deposit service by:

  1. Filling out an Authorization form
  2. Attaching a voided check or deposit slip from your checking or savings account from your bank, savings and loan, or credit union to the form
  3. Returning the form and voided check or deposit slip to OHNC

OHNC must receive your signed, original form, and a voided check or deposit slip, before direct deposit can be implemented; we will not accept e-mailed forms. Applications received after a specified cut-off date for a distribution are kept on file and the direct deposit option is implemented for the next distribution. If the financial institution you select for direct deposit has an existing electronic transfer instruction on file for you, your dividend will likely be routed according to their instructions, regardless of how you fill out OHNC’s Authorization for Direct Deposit of Dividends form. For instance, if you previously designated your checking account as the account your pay checks are electronically deposited, your dividend check may be deposited to your checking account, even if you select the savings account box on the OHNC authorization form. OHNC is not able to alter an existing electronic transfer instruction. If you have an existing instruction on file with your bank or financial institution and you want your OHNC dividend to be deposited differently, please work directly with your financial institution to resolve any potential problems.

Keeping Your Direct Deposit Information Current

For direct deposit to be effective, shareholders should advise OHNC in writing of any changes to existing direct deposit account information and instructions. Incorrect account information or instructions may cause your bank to reject direct deposit transmissions made on your behalf. The most common reasons for direct deposit rejections include: * Changing banks or bank accounts and not updating direct deposit instructions with OHNC * Changing your name with OHNC, and not with your bank, or vice versa. To change an existing direct deposit instruction:

  1. Complete another Authorization form (be sure to check the box indicating that you are making a change to a previously submitted direct deposit authorization form)
  2. Return the form to OHNC before the direct deposit deadline for the next distribution
  3. You may also update your direct deposit information through the myOHNC portal: www.myOHNC.com

Remember, when a direct deposit is rejected, it delays payment to the shareholder. Payment must be reissued in check form, which cannot happen until OHNC is notified of credit in the proper amount to the OHNC account.

How to Cancel Direct Deposit

For our shareholders’ protection, we require a signature before cancelling existing direct deposit instructions. Your signed and dated cancellation request must be received by the designated address change deadline to be implemented for a particular distribution. If your request is received before the deadline, your dividend will be mailed to you by check. Otherwise, your dividend will be deposited into your previously specified account and we will not be able to reissue it until we are notified of credit in the proper amount to the OHNC account.

Cancellation requests can be mailed to the OHNC Shareholder Relations department:

Old Harbor Native Corporation
2702 Denali Street, Suite 100
Anchorage, Alaska 99503

Shareholder Authorization Form