Old Harbor Native Corporation
Old Harbor Native Corporation
Old Harbor Native Corporation
Old Harbor Native Corporation
Old Harbor Native Corporation
Old Harbor Native Corporation
Old Harbor Native Corporation
Old Harbor Native Corporation
Old Harbor Native Corporation
Old Harbor Native Corporation
Old Harbor Native Corporation
Old Harbor Native Corporation
Old Harbor Native Corporation
Old Harbor Native Corporation
Old Harbor Native Corporation
Old Harbor Native Corporation
Old Harbor Native Corporation
Old Harbor Native Corporation
Old Harbor Native Corporation
Old Harbor Native Corporation

Donna Nakasone

Donna Nakasone has served on the Board of Directors since 2016. She is honored to work alongside of and interact with her fellow Board Members and the staff of Old Harbor Native Corporation. She currently serves on the Old Harbor Scholarship Foundation and the Audit and Compensation Committee.

Donna has worked for Placer County and numerous small businesses. She homeschooled her children until they attended high school, where she was actively involved in their educational and athletic activities. Donna also participates in numerous local, community, and political causes. She volunteers her time as a Ladies Ministry Leader, public speaker, counseling women, planning events, visiting elders in their homes and facilities, and as a teacher of children and youth.

Donna was born and raised in Old Harbor and values her Alutiiq heritage and culture. She is committed to preserving and advancing our corporation for the benefit of all shareholders. This is why she is focused on the proper management, protection, and success of the Settlement Trust and Corporation.

Donna lives in Lincoln, CA with her husband Verne. They are blessed with seven children and six grandchildren.