Old Harbor Native Corporation
Old Harbor Native Corporation
Old Harbor Native Corporation
Old Harbor Native Corporation
Old Harbor Native Corporation
Old Harbor Native Corporation
Old Harbor Native Corporation
Old Harbor Native Corporation
Old Harbor Native Corporation
Old Harbor Native Corporation
Old Harbor Native Corporation
Old Harbor Native Corporation
Old Harbor Native Corporation
Old Harbor Native Corporation
Old Harbor Native Corporation
Old Harbor Native Corporation
Old Harbor Native Corporation
Old Harbor Native Corporation
Old Harbor Native Corporation
Old Harbor Native Corporation

Job Opportunities

One of the goals of Old Harbor Native Corporation is to provide job opportunities for its shareholders.  Here we have assembled information to link you with opportunities with our subsidiaries, our regional institutions and other areas of interest to you.

Take the time to explore what areas may interest you.  Some of these links lead to other job opportunity websites and information.  Should you find a resource that we have not listed, please notify our office.

Online Applicant Portal

Click below button to view current job openings:

View Job Openings

OHNC subsidiaries

Alaska Employment Opportunities

State of Alaska

Alaska Native Corporations Employment Opportunities

Fishing Jobs

Federal Government Jobs

Alaska Native Jobs